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Update all pom versions in a repo

mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=1.4-SNAPSHOT

Maven release with local deploy

Deploy to the local directory ./dist:

mvn deploy -DaltDeploymentRepository=repo::default::file:dist

Release and deploy to the local directory ./dist:

mvn release:prepare
mvn release:perform -Darguments=-DaltDeploymentRepository=repo::default::file:dist

Maven repo on GitHub

Hosting maven repos on GitHub

Maven master password

To configure encrypted passwords, create a master password by running mvn -emp or mvn --encrypt-master-password followed by your master password.

$ mvn -emp mypassword

Maven prints out an encrypted copy of the password to standard out. Copy this encrypted password and paste it into a ~/.m2/settings-security.xml file.


After you have created a master password, you can then encrypt passwords for use in your Maven Settings. To encrypt a password with the master password, run mvn -ep or mvn --encrypt-password. Assume that you have a repository manager and you need to send a username of "deployment" and a password of "qualityFIRST". To encrypt this particular password, you would run the following command:

$ mvn -ep qualityFIRST

At this point, copy the encrypted password printed from the output of mvn -ep and paste it into your Maven Settings.
